About Ruth Padel

What people say

“Daring and genuinely innovative work: a unique sense of drama, speed and poetic intensity.” Guardian

“An immensely moving, beautifully written exploration of the beauty, suffering, and imaginative potency of migration, an opportunity to have one’s mind fired up by, a witty, wonderful intellect plumbing the phenomenon of migration and its intellectual, ethical, historical, political and aesthetic implications.” Poetry London

“A prodigy, a book of wonders… sheerly brilliant.” Independent

“Sweeping and unconventional – her poems and essays are a lyrical tribute to the instincts and whims, trials and beauties that catalyse movement.” Economist

‘Extraordinary breadth of erudition, sensitivity to different cultural environments and powerful visual alertness: readers will be struck by the mature command of these poems as well as their great range of subject and feeling.’ Rowan Williams

“A poet and scholar with a beautifully patient understanding, reminiscent of Ted Hughes, of how the natural word invests itself in our experience,” Daily Telegraph

‘Magnificent poems… A triumph of artistic ingenuity.’ Guardian

London 2021
